Compare Diligence vs Regnology
Discover how Diligence outperforms Regnology with advanced technology, real-time features, and no need for costly consulting services or expert.
Service, annual cost, installation, technical support
Average annual cost observed
Provision of complete hosted ACPR solution
< 1 hour
Several days with training
No software to install
Many software and patches to install before and during use
Automatic and without IT intervention
Unlimited and free
Resumption of Core Banking files from other publishers
Soon as you come up
Submit a ticket and wait for a response
30 days before the annual deadline
90 days before the pluri-annual deadline
ONEGATE ACPR website management
Real time
Business Card Management with Summary Dashboard
Real time
Retrieving all ACPR messages
Real time
Real time
Electronic signature via card or USB key
Quick mode signature and pin code protection
Remotely sharing your electronic signature
Electronically signed PDFs
electronic signature
Calculations and error restitution
Real time
Formulas converted to Excel syntax for better understanding
Import and Export Excel of all regulatory declarations
Customizable regulatory declarations
Yes with macro, hyperlink, vba, data list
Regulatory text of your choice
French, English, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish
Smart API to boost data import
Annual archiving of regulatory production
For banks, our “On-premises” solutions
XBRL Pro for Local Area Network (LAN)
Unlimited users
AnaCREDIT, VUC, FICOBA3 solutions..
For Windows