Diligence Software
XBRL Express manual

How XBRL express works?

“1 and 2 then 3” Our express reporting method step by step!


Choose the desired statement.

Open the statement, enter your figures or your formulas in only the white positions in the tables! The other coloured positions are calculated by XBRL.express in step 2.

You can create and insert in your workbook: sheets, links, annotations, data and use macros to add the calculations that are essential for your statement.

You use the drop-down menus to define dimensions. Dimensions are recognisable by a blue line placed just under the document header. Have you finished?

Save your work and now go on to step 2.

Open XBRL.express ->

Drop your statement in the exchange area.

The PDF and the XBRL™ file of your statement are available. Anomalies are highlighted. Each formula is recorded and identified by its official reference.

The original XLSX workbook is returned calculated. The first sheet summarises all the anomalies. The formulas use hyperlinks and direct links with the tables to facilitate analysis and correction. Click on the green color to immediately go to the position indicated by the formula.

After correction of the anomalies, repeat step 2 to obtain the final statement.

Open XBRL.express ->

Send your statement to the authority.

Check the characteristics and conformity of your statement one last time:

- The legal identifier, the place of the recipient authority and the language used. The currency applied to the workbook, the date of the report produced and any remaining KO formulas.

- The person authorised to electronically sign this statement.

The authorities in some countries require special treatment of the final XBRL™ file. To carry out this last operation, let XBRL.express guide you.

Keep the last results obtained: the PDF visual and the XLS workbook of the statement.

Select the XBRL™ statement to submit to the authority and then click on the Send button!

Open XBRL.express ->


Your statement has been received by the ACPR.
You have finished!